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5 Best Barcelona Food Markets

About Barcelona Food Markets For a real Food Lover it is quite a MUST to experience at least a few of the top Barcelona food markets. The smell of freshest seafood, the exotic fruits you have probably never seen before and the beauty of the colourful vegetables will satisfy anyone’s dreams of a Spanish food…

5 Local & Best Gin Tonic Bars of Barcelona

Did you know? In Spain, a variation on Gin Tonic has become popular, which differs from the traditional cocktail because it is served in big balloon glasses with plenty of ice. The drink can be fruit-based but the use of herbs and vegetables, which are reflecting the Gin botanicals, are increasingly popular. These new trendy…

Barcelona´s authentic district “Vila de Gracia” & the Street Festival “Fiesta Mayor de Gràcia”!

About “Vila de Gracia” If you want to party like a local and visit the most authentic squares, bars and cafĂ©s of the city, then you should not miss to explore the charming neighbourhood of Barcelona, called “Vila de GrĂ cia”. The name “GrĂ cia” comes from a convent called “Nostra Senyora de GrĂ cia (Our Lady of…

The Ultimate 2014 Barcelona Cocktail Route by b-guided

This is the first of a series of posts from our guest blogger and partner b-guided, a comprehensive and hype guide to Barcelona in English and Spanish with great information and tips about art, design, fashion, food & drink and entertainment. Barcelona is in a constant state of reinvention when it comes to its gastronomic,…

Barcelona’s most frequent tourist scams

Tourist scams are one of the most misfortunate things that can happen to you while on vacation. Just The Flight did a brilliant list of common tourist scams from around the world to help you avoid common scam situations, and act if you see one of these scams developing. Check the Tourist Scam infographic for a complete…

Catalan cuisine far away from Spanish “clichĂ©s”?

  How people eat in Catalonia, is catalan´s cuisine anyway is considered as typical Spanish food? Following a very good article we found from Sam Zucker, which is about an interview he did on a famous local grocery shop and also restaurant (4 tables), Sam Zucker focused the conversation on what Catalan people are eating…

Gin and Tonic the official drink in Barcelona

Gin and Tonic (G&T) became the last few years in Spain one of the most popular cocktail to order, you can find G&T a bit everywhere. Just go at the local cafĂ© “de toda la vida” and try to order a G&T, the owner might propose you at least two or three sort of gin….

Good, Useful Apps if you Plan a Trip to Barcelona

“Apps’cuse me, do you know the way to get to…” This would be the typical scene of a tourist lost in the streets of any city with their map, trying to get attention from “runners”  avoiding you because they are in a hurry. Well, unfortunately, this scene happens to almost all of us at least…