Gin and Tonic (G&T) became the last few years in Spain one of the most popular cocktail to order, you can find G&T a bit everywhere. Just go at the local café “de toda la vida” and try to order a G&T, the owner might propose you at least two or three sort of gin. As a good example if you are whiling to try a local and delicious Gin and Tonic, don’t be shy and go to this very authentic bar “bodega de barri” in calle Lepant 280, Barcelona, just behind the Sagrada Familia, built by Antoni Gaudí.
The Dutch may have invented the gin (in its earlier form, genever), the British added the tonic, but Spain has elevated the drink to the level of art, so far that the best gin and tonic is produced in Spain now! Gin and Tonic became a religion as Time Out says in its article about a selection of best places to drink G&T in Barcelona.
A report from the Federación Española de Bebidas Espirituosas (FEBE) indicate that G&T is now the third most consumed drink in Spain, after whisky, with a total of 31%, followed by rum with 20%. Ginebra, is in third position and is more popular than liquors such as brandy, vodka or tequila.
The success of G&T is due to different reasons but let say that as a consumer of that drink, one of the interesting aspects of it is that this is a digest cocktail which can be taken even after a nice diner. Don’t be surprised also to find different compositions of G&T, every brand and bar tender have its own way of doing a good Gin and Tonic. Anyway, it is commune to find in a glass of G&T elements such as, cucumber, strawberry or rose petals, also popular, red fruits, Muscat, lemon or orange.
If you are interested and are whiling to prepare a good Gin and Tonic at home, I also invite you to look at the link above.
Remember! Drinking can be dangerous for health, moderate you’re consuming 😉