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Summer is still here! And you can be confident that the high temperatures will remain through October, so keep this list in mind if you want the best spots for the freshest beer and good atmosphere in Seville!

How beautiful is Seville, the monuments are stunning, the tapas are tasty and the climate is perfect. However, the real beauty of this city is somewhere else, while the rest of the world follows the philosophy of “live to work” Sevillans are more commonly in the mood of “work to live” which is probably why it is a great place for holidays. Here is the truth, people in Seville have this capacity to enjoy the simple life. Good weather, some friends and a the freshest beer in Seville is all that you need here. Today we would like to recommend to you a few places where you can get that very fresh beer and the best local atmosphere, in other words, where you can experience the Sevillan way of life.

  1. Casa Vizcaino (Calle Feria, 27)

There is a famous street in Seville named “Calle Feria” – an area of artists, a little bit alternative and open minded where everybody can find their place. In this street, you’ll find a bar with a lot of history and that is never empty, “El Vizcaino”. El Vizcaino is well-known for its great ambiance, everybody chats with everybody. If you are hungry, it isn’t the place you’re looking for as there are only three simple tapas (dry tuna, mussels and salty cod) but if you’re looking for a drink and to socialize with the local crowd, it’s fantastic. Apart from the beer they serve a great variety of wine from Jerez (sherry) and a great Vermut.

  1. El Tremendo (Calle San Felipe, 15)

Let’s state the obvious, this bar isn’t the most attractive place in the world – aluminum, neon lights and 10 square meters inside at the most. But here is something you can’t know unless you ventureinside,they just have the freshest beer in all Seville. During the WE the atmosphere is just stunning.

  1. La Antigua Bodeguita (Plaza del Salvador, 6)

This is a great bar where they serve a nice and fresh beer and some good tapas but what’s really worth it is the AMAZING atmosphere of plaza Salvador which is one of the greatest locations in the city to get a drink surrounded by locals. On Fridays, the place is taken over by students and people who want to celebrate the beginning of the weekend – the fun is always guaranteed.

  1. Casa Moreno (Calle Gamazo, 7)

This is LITTERALY a hidden gem and I mean really hidden. All the charm of that bar is that it is not a bar, it is a small “ultramarinos” which is a sort of a small grocery where you can by cheese, dry meat, canned food and alcohol (very good quality by the way). Here is the funny part, if you’re adventurous enough to go to the back shop you will discover a bar with the most authentic atmosphere in Seville (not for claustrophobic though). Pictures everywhere on the walls tell you about the local culture and the history of this place. Regarding the food, once again, it is simple but what an experience, we highly recommend the chorizo with melting cheese or the “tortilla de diseño”, wondering what it is?…Just go and try it.