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Want to know where to drink in Seville? No matter what your style is, we’ve got you covered! Here are all of the best places where you can grab in drink in this beautiful city.


Having a drink and some tapas in Alfalfa is a must! This area has some of the best tapas bars in town but really gets going at night. Great places to stop for a drink are Bar Alfalfa, Ruko N’ Roll, and Bar Manolo. Since the bars in Alfalfa tend to be quite small, it’s not unusual to see throngs of people drinking in the streets outside the bars. Whether you want a quick aperitif before dinner or want to catch some great music, Alfalfa is one of the top spots to drink in Seville.

Plaza del Salvador

a group of people on a motorcycle on a city streetWant to grab a drink somewhere totally unique? You need to head to Plaza del Salvador. Where else can you have a beer and snacks in front of a church and have it be okay? Every day, little kiosks set up shop in front of Iglesia del Salvador, a beautiful church that’s worth a visit in itself. These little hole-in-the-wall bars serve cold beers and other drinks, along with some tapas, before and after lunch. Some of the best bars are Los Soportales, La Antigua Bodeguita, and Freiduría El Salvador. This is a great spot to have a drink outside and take in the wonderful scenery and ambiance of Seville.

La Carbonería

If you want a drink and to hear some authentic flamenco music, La Carbonería should be your next stop. This place isn’t easy to find, despite being in the city center, so many people overlook it. All you have to do is buy a drink and you can hear the live flamenco music.  Things usually get going around 9PM. The full bar is equipped for the music lovers that frequent this bar, especially those looking to get a taste of real flamenco. Also, lease note that even though the music and dancing is fantastic, the performers ask that you do not take photos or videos.

See more: Insider Secrets to the Most Popular Drinks in Seville

Alameda de Hercules

a crowd of people at a parkAlameda de Hercules is famous around Seville for its tapas bars and nightlife. There are so many spots where you can listen to great music, drink, and dance the night away. Some top options are 1987 Bar, a gay bar that’s accepting of all, Gigante, and La Sra Pop. These are just a few of the many bars that line the Alameda dee Hercules, a long boulevard that is a hot spot at night. However, by day you can enjoy a drink and tapas and these same places, usually outside on the bar terraces. El Arenal is another little section of town which makes for a great place to drink in Seville.

El Arenal

El Arenal has a mix of everything: classic tapas bars, modern restaurants, and everything in between. Séptimo Wine Bar & Tapas is a popular spot among the locals to grab a delicious glass of Spanish wine, paired with exquisite tapas. Casa Morales and La Taberna are tapas bars that are always buzzing with people eating or drinking a caña, small beers typical of Seville. For those that want to drink in Seville with the locals, El Arenal is the place.

Want to drink in Seville where the locals do? Join Food Lover Tour and we’ll show you all the best spots!
